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Dare to excel !

Success can never be taken for granted, and excellence is fuelled by a constant desire to improve. At Sandoz Foundation Hotels, we and our teams are constantly evolving to be more innovative and relevant.

Are you passionate about the world of hospitality and service? Tempted by the excellence of a Palace experience? Would you like to discover the many opportunities offered by the wonderful world of hotels?
You don't always have to have experience in the luxury hotel or high-end restaurant industry to join us!



We are convinced that you have some talents that will benefit our team and that are just waiting to be revealed. And that your excellent presentation, your sense of welcome and your smile will make the difference! It is up to our experienced staff to share their knowledge and to train you in the particularities of an exceptional service.

Indeed, if you join us, numerous training courses are organised within our establishments or through our partners to reveal your skills.

Subject to the study of your file, and according to certain conditions, the financing of part or all of your training, Federal Certificate, or professional improvement for example, can even be envisaged.

Here are some examples of training courses given on site by our Learning & Development team or our partners:

  • Gestures & Postures
  • Telephone etiquette
  • Language courses (French - English)
  • Team management training
  • Hair, Beard and Make-up Masterclass
  • Customer complaint management

Apprentices and trainees are also always welcome in our facilities to ensure the succession and to be the talents of tomorrow! Our experienced and well-trained tutors will accompany you throughout your training and will be the first to be satisfied if, like many students who decide to entrust their training to us, you choose one of our establishments to continue your professional path.